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Upload Historical Loads

If you're using Chaine Booking and want to upload your historical loads to leverage Chaine's Carrier Suggestions, you can upload your historical loads.

The easiest way to handle this is to allow your Chaine Implementation Specialist to do this for you by providing them with a temporary Tai login. Alternatively, you can do it yourself by following the instructions below.

Step-by-Step Guide to Export Historical Loads

Creating a Custom Report

  1. Go to Reports

    • Navigate to the "Reports" section in Tai TMS.
  2. Select Manage Custom Reports

    • Click on "Manage Custom Reports" to start creating a new report.
  3. Add New Report

    • Click on "Add New Report."
  4. Name the Report

    • Name the report: Chaine - historical loads.
  5. Select a User

    • Select yourself as the user for the report.
  6. Configure Report Columns and Filters

    • Ensure "Shipment" is selected under Available Report Columns.
    • The following columns must be selected along with Filters for Created Date & Time, Shipment Type, and Status:
      • Created Date & Time*
      • From the "Commodity Information" section:
        • Total Weight
        • Commodity Descriptions
        • Commodity Marks
      • From the "Customer Information" section:
        • Customer Name
      • From the "Destination Location" section:
        • Destination City
        • Destination State
        • Destination ZIP Code
        • Destination Stop Type
      • From the "Linehaul Carrier Information" section:
        • Linehaul Carrier Name
        • Linehaul Carrier Phone
        • Linehaul Carrier SCAC
        • Linehaul Carrier DOT Number
        • Linehaul Carrier MC Number
        • Linehaul LSP Carrier Email
      • From the "Origin Location" section:
        • Origin City
        • Origin State
        • Origin ZIP Code
        • Origin Stop Type
      • From the "Pricing Detail Information" section:
        • Accessorial List
      • From the "Reference Numbers" section:
        • Temperature
        • Carrier Dispatcher Name
        • Carrier Dispatcher Phone Number
        • Carrier Rep
        • Carrier Rep Id
      • From the "Sales Rep Information" section:
        • Sales Rep Name
        • Sales Rep Ids
        • Sales Rep Email
      • From the "Shipment Dates" section:
        • Pickup Date
        • Delivery Estimated Date
        • Delivery Estimated Date & Time
        • Created Date & Time*
        • Pickup Appointment Start Date & Time
        • Pickup Appointment End Time
      • From the "Shipment Information" section:
        • Shipment ID
        • Shipment Type
        • Service Level
        • Status
        • Mileage
        • Trailer Size
        • Trailer Type
        • Accessorial List
        • Carrier Name List
      • From the "Shipment Pricing Information" section:
        • Sell Total
        • Buy Total
        • Margin Total
  7. Make sure the following filters are selected on the right-side table for the following fields:

    • Created Date & Time - Filter: Last 12 Months
    • Shipment Type - Filter: Contains "Truckload, DomesticFreight"
    • Status - Filter: Contains "[ "Delivered" ]"

Setting Up the Delivery Schedule

  1. Select Delivery Schedule

    • After configuring the report columns and filters, select the "delivery schedule."
  2. Add Delivery Schedule

    • Click on "Add Delivery Schedule."
  3. Configure the Delivery Schedule

  • Set the following options:
    • Frequency: Weekly
    • Deliver On: Select today's day
    • Time of Day: Select 30 minutes from the current time
    • Export Format: JSON
    • Status: Active
    • Recipient Emails:
    • Subject: Your company's name followed by "Historical File Upload"
    • Body: Leave it empty or enter the same as the Subject

Final Steps

  1. Remove Delivery Schedule
    • By the end of the day (usually after 30-60 minutes from the "Time of Day" you selected), go back to the Custom Report and remove the delivery schedule to stop further exports.

Following these steps will enable you to export historical loads from Tai TMS efficiently. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your Chaine Implementation Specialist.