ResourceNotFoundException: [...] does not exist.
If you deleted a resource from AWS portal, it will still exisit in your Serverless Stack. So if you then replaced it with another resource, for example deleted a user-pool and then created a new one with the same name, then you will need to do the following for the stack to recognize it:
- Comment out every reference to the [Resource] in your serverless.yml. That’s all of the http events, authorizers, anything in the resources sections, etc. The CloudFormation template created by Serverless needs to have no references to the [Resource].
- Deploy your project. This will remove the [Resource] from your CloudFormation stack.
- Undo the changes made in step 1.
- Deploy your project.
See this issue here
Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes
If you get the following error
"Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400)"
you have to remove node_modules/snappy
yarn install --non-interactive --frozen-lockfile failed with code 1
Check this link for solution
You are most likely missing a dependency that should be in package-json.
- Check the package.json files that are generated by the plugin during deployment.
- You should find them after the error happens in the .webpack/dependencies and .webpack/service or .webpack/---function-name-- folders.
- It might be that a dependency you have is wrongly put into devDependencies and as a consequence is not installed and packaged during the deployment.
- The frozen-lockfile error should reliably detect such errors, even if it does not show the exact reason without deeper inspection.
- See if you notice something like this where a dependency is blank:
"dependencies": {
"aws-sdk": "",
- If this doesn't work either, then try this:
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock .webpack .webpackCache .build && yarn