📄️ VPC and Subnets
Good video that explains the basics of AWS VPC & Subnets
📄️ Custom Domain on API Gateway
1. Set up DNS records on Route53
📄️ Custom Domain on CloudFront
1. Set up DNS records on Route53
📄️ Lambda
Lambda Service Under the Hood
📄️ AWS Learning Videos
- 200 level: Basic concepts and medium knowledge of AWS
📄️ Transfer Family (SFTP / FTPS)
SFTP Port - 22
📄️ SNS / SQS
SNS is a distributed publish-subscribe system. Messages are pushed to subscribers as and when they are sent by
📄️ IAM Policy
Current policy given to dev-team to deploy using serverless.
What is CORS and when do you need it?
📄️ Cloudfront
Relevant Links:
📄️ Dynamo DB
Fundamentals of NoSQL