📄️ Domain Driven Design (DDD) Resources
The basics to get started
📄️ Domain Objects
📄️ Domain Modeling
Implementing DDD in your project
📄️ Aggregates
Intro to aggregates
📄️ Domain Events
What are domain events?
📄️ Application Layer
What are Use Cases? What is the Application Layer?
📄️ Infrastructure Layer
📄️ Presentation Layer and working with the client
Client-side architecture
📄️ Designing a microservices architecture
What is a microservice? Why are they important?
📄️ Essential Clean Coding Principles & Typescript Concepts
📄️ Advanced topics
- Saga Patterns by Example
📄️ DDD and continuous improvement
The journey forward
📄️ More Resources
UML Diagrams
📄️ Domain-Driven Design Handbook
Abstract class