Register tracking with BOL
This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.
DEPRECATED: This endpoint is deprecated. Please use the Load Sync API for all new integrations.
Register a tracking request using a bill-of-lading number issued by the sealine.
Header Parameters
API Key that you create in your workspace developer settings
Request Body required
The Load object with the bill of lading and array of containers.
- Array [
- ]
Load object
A unique shipment id on your internal system. This is optional and is included in webhook container events.
steam_ship_line object
The steam ship line object with the bill of lading number.
The SeaLine issued bill of lading. This MUST be prefixed the 4-character SCAC code even if a sealine doesn't require it on their online port.
containers object[]
Possible values: >= 1
The array of containers with your internal unique ids.
SeaLine issued container number
An internal unique id for the container. This is used for webhook events when listening on container events from Chaine.
- 200
- 422
A successful operation.
- any
"message": "Success message",
"statusCode": 200,
"name": "Success"
"message": "Success message",
"statusCode": 200,
"name": "Success"
This error happens when a containter with the unique_id you provided is already registered. The Loads.containers.unique_id must be unique.
- any
"message": "Container with id 123 is already tracking",
"statusCode": 422,
"name": "Unprocessable Entity"
"message": "Container with id 123 is already tracking",
"statusCode": 422,
"name": "Unprocessable Entity"