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Register tracking with BOL


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

DEPRECATED: This endpoint is deprecated. Please use the Load Sync API for all new integrations.

Register a tracking request using a bill-of-lading number issued by the sealine.

Header Parameters
    Authorization string required

    API Key that you create in your workspace developer settings

    Example: 1AbC2DeFgH34IJKlm5N6O7p8QR9s0tU1VWcYZABcDeFg2HIJ
Request Body required

The Load object with the bill of lading and array of containers.

    Load object
    unique_id string

    A unique shipment id on your internal system. This is optional and is included in webhook container events.

    steam_ship_line object

    The steam ship line object with the bill of lading number.

    master_bill_of_lading_number string

    The SeaLine issued bill of lading. This MUST be prefixed the 4-character SCAC code even if a sealine doesn't require it on their online port.

    containers object[]

    Possible values: >= 1

    The array of containers with your internal unique ids.

  • Array [
  • number string

    SeaLine issued container number

    unique_id string

    An internal unique id for the container. This is used for webhook events when listening on container events from Chaine.

  • ]

A successful operation.
