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How to utilize events

The most important events typically used by business users are around containers arriving at the destination port and at the inland destination ramp (if the container goes on rail at the inland destination). It is first best to consult your internal team on how you want to utilize the events.

Prior to having the cargo "available for pickup" at a port or rail ramp, both freight and customs have to be "released". A container will typically have certain amount of days (Last Free Day) of "free storage" before being charged a fee (Demurrage). A port provides up to 5 business days, and rail ramp provides 48 hours. Hence, buisness users usually need to get an estimate of when a container will arrive and be discharged at a port or rail ramp. The following four events help business users plan better for getting cargo released:

Important events for cargo "release" workflowsCode
Estimated container discharge at destination portECDD
Container discharge at destination portCDD
Estimated container discharge at destination portECDD
Container discharge at destination portCDD
Estimated container arrival at inland rampECAR
Container arrival at inland rampCAR
Estimated container arrival at inland destinationECAD
Container arrival at inland destinationCAD

Other important events are around the container departure from the origin port. These events help business users plan for the container's arrival at the destination port:

Important events for around container departure from originCode
Estimated container arrival at origin port (first POL) - Gate inECGI
Estimated Vessel departure from origin portEVDL
Vessel departure from origin portVDL

CAR vs CAD events

If the final inland destination is a rail ramp, then in most scenarios the "CAD" event and "CAR" event may be exactly the same. The scenarios where it won't be the same are:

  • If the BOL has multiple containers, and one of the containers has arrived at the rail ramp, but the other containers have not yet arrived. Then the "CAR" event will be generated for the container that has arrived, but the "CAD" event will not be generated until all containers have arrived.
  • Some sealines do not provide the "CAR" event for a container, but they may provide an overal BOL-level arrival (and estimated arrival) event. particularly for YangMing when there are multiple containers on a BOL, we do not get the "CAR" event for the containers, but they instead provide a "CAD" event on the BOL level. In that case, the "CAD" event is generated for the container and can be used as the "CAR" event if users know the final destination is a rail ramp.
