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Get capacity suggestions

This end-point is used to get capacity suggestions from within your network. This is a high throughput end-point and can handle thousands of requests per second. It is highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable.

Query Parameters
    originCity string required

    The desired origin city.

    originStateCode string required

    The desired origin state code.

    destinationCity string required

    The desired destination city.

    destinationStateCode string required

    The desired destination state code.

    equipment string

    Possible values: [Box truck, Conestoga, Deck, Double drop, Dry bulk, Flatbed, Power only, Reefer, Step deck, Van]

    A comma separated enum of equipment types. If not provided, all equipment types will be considered.

    page integer

    The desired page number of the results if there are multiple pages. The response will dictacte the number of pages. When not provided, the default is 1. Each page will have a max of 100 results.

Header Parameters
    Authorization string required

    API Key that a Chaine Admin or Owner creates in their workspace under developer settings.

    Content-Type string required

    The content type of the request. Currently we accept application/json or application/xml.


Successfully retrieved capacity suggestions

    capacity object[]
  • Array [
  • averageRate object, null

    The average (flat) rate of the carrier for the given origin and destination pair

    currency string

    The currency of the rate. i.e. USD or CAD

    value number

    The value of the average rate

    companyMembers object[]

    The members of a carrier's company. This will include all the dispatchers and owners of the workspace along with their contact details.

  • Array [
  • email string, null

    The email of the user

    phone string, null

    The phone number of the user

    name string, null

    The name of the user

    role string

    The role of the member in the workspace. Either "Dispatcher", "Driver" or "Management"

  • ]
  • companyName string

    The name of the company

    companyPageURL string, null

    The URL to the company's page on Chaine

    contractType string

    The type of contract with the carrier. Either "Contract" or "Spot"

    dotNumber string

    The DOT number of the company

    equipmentTags string[]

    An array of unique equipment types the carrier has done in addition to what is listed in the standard equipment types in truckTypes

    equipmentTypes string[]

    An array of equipment types the carrier has done on this lane. This is an enum of 'Box truck', 'Conestoga', 'Deck', 'Double drop', 'Dry bulk', 'Flatbed', 'Other', 'Power only', 'Reefer', 'Step deck', 'Van'

    id string

    The unique ID of the workspace in Chaine

    mcNumber string

    The MC number of the workspace

    numberOfTrips integer

    The number of trips the carrier has completed

  • ]
  • capacitySearchURL string

    The URL to that links back to the capacity search in Chaine

    pagination object
    currentPage integer

    The current page number of the results. Each page will have a max of 100 results.

    isLastPage boolean

    A boolean value that indicates if there are more results available. Will return true if there are no more results.

    nextPage integer

    The next page number of the results. If there are no more results, this will be null.

    previousPage integer

    The previous page number of the results. If there are no previous results, this will be null.

    totalPages integer

    The total number of pages of the results.
