534 TLS required, configure with AUTH first
This error means you are using FTP to try to connect to our FTPS server over Port 21.
Solution: You have to use an Encryption of explicit FTP over TLS
Error Example:
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Service ready for new user.
Status: Plain FTP is insecure. Please switch to FTP over TLS.
Command: USER ader
Response: 534 TLS required, configure with AUTH first.
Error: Could not connect to server
Cannot establish FTP connection to an SFTP server. Please select proper protocol.
You get this error when you are trying to connect to a SFTP server but over port 21 (which is used for FTP/FTPS).
Solution: Switch to Port 22
Error Example:
Status: Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: SSH-2.0-AWS_SFTP_1.0
Error: Cannot establish FTP connection to an SFTP server. Please select proper protocol.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
Secure connection error, return code -16.
Connecting to host at address using port 21.
220 Service ready for new user.
234 Command AUTH okay; starting TLS connection.
Secure connection error, return code -16.
Other resources on this error:
Secure connection error, return code -93
-93 means that SSL is not available for use.